“Eternity is in love with the productions of time.” — William Blake

I’ve said this in past years, but I never feel especially productive until I look back at what I’ve accomplished over the past year. Day to day, adding a few hundred words on the page may not seem like much, but over time it accumulates. This year, in 2019, I published or sold the following works:

Fiction (published)

Fiction (sold & forthcoming)

  • “The Last Novelist (or a Dead Lizard in the Yard).” – Future Affairs Administration, Chinese language. (reprint) 
  • “The History Within Us.” – Science Fiction World, Chinese language. (reprint)
  • “Very Surely Do I Not Dream.” – Psi-Wars: Classified Cases of Psychic Combat and Horror, Ed. Josh Viola, Hex Publishers (original)
  • “The Marsh of Camarina.” – Lightspeed (reprint)
  • “Still You Linger, Like Soot in the Air” – Lightspeed (original)


In addition to the above, I also finished a YA science-fiction novel (currently in revision at the request of an agent) and started a new YA(ish) novella that I’m really enjoying. I was also a guest on the Geeks Guide to the Galaxy podcast five times, and I’ll be on again in early January to discuss the new Star Wars series The Mandalorian.

I also mentored a couple of folks through the SFWA mentorship program, which has been very rewarding.

And while the above list may seem like a lot, I don’t feel as if I’m a particularly productive person, especially compared to some of my more prolific writer friends. My point is, if you do a little bit every day, it adds up. Keep writing!