What does the future hold for AI and the people who live alongside it? Why does the future of technology look so bleak in fiction and positive in business forecasts? How can we reconcile the two?

In this panel discussion, I join panelists Julia Reingold, Cameron Kit, Neil Redding, Frank Yu, and Frank Casale to discuss these questions and more as they relate to my short story, “Your Future is Pending.”

You may want to read the story first, as there are potential spoilers in this panel! And a word of warning: the story is bleak.

You may be thinking: But Matt! In earlier posts you went on at length about writing optimistic futures, about making space for positive ideasAnd yet, this story is so dark!

Yes, and I’m still all about creative positive futures. But if you’re an artist (and I think most of you following this blog are) then you know that artists must follow their ids wherever they lead. Sometimes they lead right into the dark.

Anyway, I really enjoyed the discussion we had on this panel. What do you think of this topic? Please feel free to leave a comment!