True 80s goth: leather and loincloths!

In the latest Geeks Guide to the Galaxy, I discuss Awesomely Bad 80s Fantasy Movies, like Krull, Beastmaster, Legend, Highlander, and Masters of the Universe with panelists Andrea Kail, Thomas Gerencer, and host David Bar Kirtley. And before you get up in arms at how awesome those movies are, this is some of what I say on the podcast:

“These are films that, for me, when I saw them for the first time, were just pure enjoyment. They’re just fun movies. They’re not afraid to take risks, and that’s what makes them beautiful in my eyes.”

Yes, they are campy. Yes, they resort to cliches instead of character development. Yes, they often have non-sensical plots and bad acting. But they were unapologetically true to their vision, even if flawed.

Join us for a hilarious and fun discussion of Awesomely Bad 80s Fantasy Movies here.