

So the super awesome Lawrence M. Schoen allowed me to participate in his Eating Authors series, where authors recount a memorable experience with food. Mine is about one very curious mushroom I encountered in upstate New York.

Here’s how it begins:

“One of the best meals I’ve ever had was this past summer in Woodstock, New York.

My wife and I, newly married, hiked to the top of the Overlook Mountain, where the old Overlook Hotel, built in 1833, had once stood. No, not that Overlook Hotel, the one from The Shining, but the one perched some 3,000 feet above Woodstock, New York. Technically the hotel is called the Overlook Mountain House. And while its concrete skeleton still stands, the hotel proper burned down not once, nor twice, but three times in its more than a century of existence. The last time was in the 1960s. Now, poisonous rattlesnakes nest in the foundation, and prominent signs emblazoned with skull-and-crossbones warn the wayward hiker not to enter the property. Trees and mushrooms sprout from the dirt floor of the abandoned hotel where guests once danced, drank, slept and made love…”

You can read the full post over at Lawrence’s blog here.